Sunday, November 30, 2008

Say it Ain't So Fr. Joe

I was visiting one of my favorite websites (The Raw Story) when I came upon an article stating that a priest in Modesto, California is calling for those of us who voted for Barack Obama to confess our "sin." I immediately decided to write Fr. Joe a letter, I am copying the letter below. Photo by Kevin Carter, the subject of the soon to be released film, The Bang Bang Club.

Rev. Joseph Illo
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Modesto, California

Dear Fr. Joe,

"Bless me Father for you think I have sinned."

Yes its true, I voted for Obama. And not only did I vote for him, but I also participated in his campaign; going to rallies, making phone calls, dropping off lawn signs, convincing undecided voters that Obama was our man.

Don't waste your time giving me penance, I won't say it. And don't waste your time giving me absolution either. It's pointless, because I do not regret filling in the circle next to Obama's name. I actually enjoyed it. I proudly held up the ballot for my 13 year old daughter to see and take in this historical moment. When the returns came in that evening announcing Obama's win we were ecstatic! Finally, after eight long oppressive years, Bush and the likes of him will no longer be in power.

For you it appears the choice in candidates was simple, black and white, so to speak. For you, abortion was the only issue. For me, however, the reasons for voting for Barack Obama were far more complicated. The tragedy of poverty, for instance, is one I simply cannot walk away from. The fact that some of us have an abundance of food and clothing to the point of excess, while others, mainly children, are literally starving to death cannot be ignored.

I have included a photo of a starving child in Africa taken by the late Kevin Carter. The child has fallen on the ground because she is so weak and frail. It is obvious she has not eaten in a very long time. A vulture eagerly awaits this child's death. Where, Fr. Joe, is your outrage?

I have also included a copy of an article I cut out from the Detroit Free Press. The article explains that at least 26 children have died within a two week period due to starvation in Haiti. This article also includes pictures. One shows a child too weak to stand up in order to be weighed, instead she is placed in a sling and hung from the scale. Once again, Fr. Joe, where is your outrage? Why aren't you demanding the confessions of those responsible for the suffering and deaths of these innocents? Are they not worthy of dignity and the gift of life?

Another reason for casting my vote for President-elect Obama is that we have a better chance of eliminating the possiblity of nuclear warfare with him as president. Really Fr. Joe, can't you see the absurdity of eliminating abortion just prior to having the planet earth blown to pieces? Shouldn't we actively work towards world peace and eliminate the injustices in the world?

These are just two reasons why I voted for Barack Obama, there are several more. I would welcome a discussion, but I am sure you will be busy drafting my excommunication.



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