Monday, June 7, 2010

The Bully

I was on the corner of Michigan Ave. and Outer Dr. at a red light MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS when a man in the next car motions to me. At first I thought he was going to ask me for directions or something about my car, like what kind of gas mileage I get since it is a hybrid. The outcome was very different.

This is the exchange that took place:

Him: "Hey, how's that change?" He asks in an angry tone

Me: "Change? I am sorry, I don't understand?"

Him: "I see you voted for Obama, how's that change going for you?" again he asks in an angry, smug and mocking tone.

By now I have figured out that he has spotted my Obama bumper sticker (located right next to my peace bumper sticker, which he has completely overlooked as its obvious to me that he WAS looking for a fight.) I smile and shake my head saying, "nope, not going there buddy...." he condescendingly nods his head "yea, aha...right.." and steps on the gas, so that now he doesn't have to listen to my answer. But had I decided to engage this "gentleman" I would have answered: "THE CHANGE WAS GETTING THOSE THUGS OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE, SO I'D SAY IT'S GOING QUITE WELL!"

I started to think about this; (it was a long light, traffic was backed up due to the torrential rain we had earlier.) I bet if I were a MAN he would NOT have said anything to me. Not one word. He would not have had the "you know what" to, but he sees a woman, in a hybrid with a peace sticker, obviously an easy target. What a bully, well I got news for him; I am no easy target, no shrinking violet. What a coward I think, so I decide to tell him. I yell out "hey buddy, you are a coward, a real coward!" Even though he is a car in front and to the right of me, I can see that his veins are about to pop out of his neck. He hangs out his window hysterically motioning me to pull over. Yea, a real misogynist, he wouldn't pull this little stunt with a man. He is so angry; I have questioned his manhood (actually his lack of manhood). The light changed to green, had I had more time I would have told him to start looking for his missing anatomy.

He is fit to be tied. He looks like he is about to turn himself inside out he is so angry, and you think I am going to pull over? I shake my head, smile and I lock my doors. I drive straight ahead ignoring his tantrum, I may be crazy but not as crazy as you, are "Sir"....Where is Keith Olbermann to yell "WORSE PERSON IN THE WORLD!"????

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